Budget Billing Payment Option

Flexible payment options are available to CFU customers to help take the guesswork out of paying your bill. Budget billing is a free service that helps even out the fluctuations in utility bills.

The amount you pay CFU each month is determined by dividing your previous 12 months of utility costs into 12 equal payments. This designated amount is payable each month regardless of the actual monthly usage. 

Some charges cannot be included in the budgeted amount and will be due in addition to the regular budget billing. These include yard waste pick-up, home wiring for TV or data services, payment agreements and CFU TV movie rentals. 

Accounts are reviewed periodically by CFU to determine if the budget amount needs an adjustment to better match your usage. You’ll continue to receive a statement with your actual usage so you can keep an eye on your energy consumption. 

To achieve the most accurate billing amount, CFU recommends that customers have 12 months of usage history before signing up for this service. 

For more information, contact Customer Service at 319-268-5280 or customerservice@cfunet.net.
