Set Up Automatic Payments
Ensure you pay on time, every time with no fees. Sign up for Automatic Payment (also known as Check-A-Matic). With Automatic Payment, the utility bill is automatically deducted from an authorized checking account on the bill due date. Automatic Payment customers receive a monthly utility statement, and participants' bank statements will show the utility payment deduction.
Customers can sign up for Automatic Payment online. First, you will need to create an Online Utility Account. Once you've created an account and logged in, registration for Automatic Payment is available by clicking "Sign Up for Auto Payment".
If you prefer, a signup form is available in the CFU Customer Services Department located at Utility Parkway in Cedar Falls. You can also download a printable version of this form, fill it out, and send it with a voided check* (not a deposit slip):
Customer Service
Cedar Falls Utilities
P.O. Box 769
Cedar Falls, IA , 50613
*Please send a voided check and not a deposit slip with your form. Email for more information.