CFU Electric Rates

Residential Rates

The residential electric rate is made up of three components: the service charge, the base rate and the energy cost adjustment (ECA).

Service Charge

The service charge is applied on each metered service. This charge covers CFU's costs associated for meter reading, customer services, billing, service calls and meter maintenance. The monthly service charge for residential customers is $22.35.

Base Rate

The base rate is an amount you pay for each kilowatt-hour used. It covers the cost of CFU's local electric distribution system, transmission costs, production costs and other expenses. The rate per kilowatt-hour (KWH) over 800 KWH is different in the winter and summer.


  • First 800 KWH consumed: 6.19¢ per KWH 
  • All Over 800 KWH consumed: 5.69¢ per KWH (Winter, Oct-May)
  • All Over 800 KWH consumed: 6.19¢ per KWH (Summer, June-Sept)

Energy Cost Adjustment (ECA)

CFU's power costs change each month due to variability in the cost of fuel and purchased power. The ECA adjusts monthly to reflect this variability. CFU passes on to customers only the cost to produce or purchase electricity without markup. The ECA is a charge applied to each kilowatt hour of usage. If your billed usage occurs both before and after the first of the month, your effective ECA will be calculated for the number of days each ECA was in effect.

View our 12-month ECA history.

How to Calculate Your Electric Costs

If a residence consumed 1375 KWH during a winter month when the ECA was $.041/KWH, the electric bill would be calculated as follows:

Description Charge
Service Charge $22.35
Base Rate (First 800KWH x $0.0619) $49.52
Base Rate (Next 575KWH x $0.0569) $32.72
ECA ($0.041/KWH) $56.38
Local Option Tax (1%) $1.61
Total Cost: $162.58

Download the electric rate schedule

Commercial Rates

CFU has several electric rate plans for commercial customers depending on size of company, usage and number of meters.

All electric rates include three components: the service charge, the base rate and the energy cost adjustment factor (ECA). Rates for commercial customers with load in excess of 50KW also include a demand charge. 

Service Charge

The service charge is applied on each metered service. This charge covers CFU's costs associated for meter reading, customer services, billing, service calls and meter maintenance. The monthly service charge for commercial customers varies with the rate plan; see the electric rate schedule.

Base Rate

The base rate is an amount you pay for each kilowatt-hour used. It covers the cost of CFU's local electric distribution system, transmission costs, production costs and other expenses. 

Energy Cost Adjustment (ECA)

CFU's power costs change each month due to variability in the cost of fuel and purchased power. The ECA adjusts monthly to reflect this variability. CFU passes on to customers only the cost to produce or purchase electricity without markup. The ECA is a charge applied to each kilowatt hour of usage. If your billed usage occurs both before and after the first of the month, your effective ECA will be calculated for the number of days each ECA was in effect.

View our 12-month ECA history.

Demand Charge

Demand charges are based upon the highest load period, in 15-minute intervals, during a billing month.

Download the electric rate schedule to see the classification factors, service charge, base rate and demand charge (if applicable) for CFU's commercial rate classes.


Effective 1/1/25.