CFU Residential Services to Address Energy Concerns
CFU partners with our customers to make smart energy choices and help you save energy and money. In addition to providing cost-sharing rebates for efficiency upgrades, CFU Energy Services provides comfort consultations, utility bill analysis and energy assessments at no cost to CFU customers.
Available Home Energy Services
Comfort Consultation
Too hot? Too cold? Poor airflow? Want a second opinion before purchasing special equipment? Call Energy Services at 319-266-1761 and we can offer some suggestions to improve the comfort of your home.
Utility Bill Analysis
If your utility bill seems higher than it should be, we can run an analysis to compare your home’s energy use to past years, weather, and similar buildings to see if something is amiss. Call 319-266-1761 or email to get the conversation started.
Expert Energy Assessment
We can come to your home to assess your current energy-using systems. Based on this information, we will recommend equipment change-outs, home improvements, and energy conservation practices that can lower your utility bill. Contact Energy Services at 319-266-1761 or email us at to schedule a visit.
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Performance Report
The CFU Energy Services team has partnered with local HVAC service providers to implement the MeasureQuick program. MeasureQuick is a third-party platform that connects directly to tools used to collect and analyze heating and cooling equipment.
HVAC service providers use Bluetooth enabled tools to gather and compare hundreds of data points simultaneously in real-time to identify any faults. Once completed, a customer friendly report card is generated with a system score. If problems are discovered, the report card will provide solutions to help troubleshoot or available cost-effective repairs.
Be sure to ask for your HVAC performance report card when you have a new system installed, schedule a tune-up or need a service call. For a list of recommended HVAC service providers that have completed MeasureQuick training, please see CFU's Quality Installer list.
Quality Installer List
Home Profile Assessment
Get a home energy report based on a quick home profile online survey. Complete an online survey about your residence, appliances and HVAC equipment and we'll send you an assessment of your home energy efficiency and steps you can take to save energy.
Home Profile Survey
New Home Review
CFU will review your plans to ensure compliance with the IECC 2012. Your general contractor will typically contact CFU for the plan review, but if you have questions or are acting as your own contractor, call 319-266-1761 and ask for Energy Services.