Electric Vehicles with CFU

Electric vehicles are growing in popularity across the United States. As a community-owned utility, we are proud to support our customers who are adopting this technology. Electric vehicles are environmentally sound and cost-effective. In fact, a recent Iowa Economic Development study found the average cost to charge an electric vehicle in Iowa is $461 per year. It costs $1,271 per year for an average Iowa driver to fill up his or her car with gasoline (assuming gas costs $2.50 per gallon). 

Electric Vehicle (EV) Community

Join CFU's electric vehicle community and receive a $50 rebate.

Help drive the use of electric vehicles in our community and be on the list for future focus groups, surveys and more. If you own or lease an electric vehicle, join CFU's electric vehicle (EV) community.

Rebate Requirements and Limits

  • Residential and business CFU customers who own or lease a qualified electric vehicle are eligible for a $50 electric vehicle (EV) community incentive.
  • Electric and partially electric (plug-in hybrid) vehicles.
  • Electric vehicles that can travel at speeds >60 mph. Licensed or unlicensed vehicles such as electric golf carts and neighborhood electric vehicles like the GEM Peapod, etc. are not eligible.
  • One rebate per vehicle+customer combination.
  • Customers with multiple electric vehicles can apply for each vehicle. Submit a new form for each vehicle.
  • Customers that replace an already registered electric vehicle can apply for the replacement electric vehicle.

How to Join

Join the CFU EV community! Complete the EV community form and email it to energyservices@cfunet.net or drop it off at our Customer Service office at 1 Utility Parkway in Cedar Falls, open weekdays from 7:30 a.m to 5 p.m.

EV Community Form


A Charger for Your Electric Vehicle

A bigger battery does not mean you need a bigger charger.

We recommend a 40 amp, Level 2 charger for everyday use.  Learn more here.


Off-Peak Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Program

Charge Your Electric Vehicle Overnight and Earn a Bill Credit

Earn up to $8 per month when you charge your electric vehicle weekdays between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. or on weekends.

Rebate Requirements and Limits

Residential and business CFU customers who own or lease a qualified electric vehicle are eligible for the Off-Peak EV Charging Program.

Qualified Vehicles
  • Electric and partially electric (plug-in hybrid) vehicles.
  • Electric vehicles that can travel at speeds >60 mph. Licensed or unlicensed vehicles such as electric golf carts and neighborhood electric vehicles like the GEM Peapod, etc. are not eligible.
Charging Requirements
  • Charger capacity must be Level 2 or greater and CFU must provide the electricity for charging.
  • To earn a complete credit, charging may only happen between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. Monday through Friday or any time on Saturday or Sunday.
  • CFU recognizes that there are times when you may have an urgent need to charge your EV. You may charge up to three times each month outside of this timeframe without losing your incentive for the month. (Use our On-Peak Charging Tracking Chart to track these charges.)
  • Customers can earn up to $8 per month for each month they meet the charging requirements.
  • Incentives for each month will be calculated at the end of each year and paid out in January as a bill credit.
  • Qualifying calculations will be based on electric consumption. Once enrolled, no paperwork is required.
  • Credits will be earned only from the enrolled month going forward, past months will be excluded.

How to Enroll

  1.  Complete the Off-Peak EV Charging Program application.
  2. Submit the application by emailing it to energyservices@cfunet.net or dropping it off at our Customer Service office at 1 Utility Parkway in Cedar Falls, open weekdays from 7:30 a.m to 5 p.m.
  3.  The CFU Energy Services team will contact you to complete your enrollment.

Off-Peak EV Charging Application



Federal Tax Incentives

See if you qualify for federal tax incentives.

Tax credits are available for new and pre-owned plug-in and fuel cell electric vehicles as well as charging infrastructure.

Learn More