We are CFU Spotlight: Zach Pierce, Water Operations Supervisor

Zach Pierce is the Water Operations Supervisor at CFU. Zach and his colleagues are responsible for maintaining the water distribution system and high-quality drinking water in Cedar Falls.

Water Operations services over 214 miles of water distribution main 8 production wells and 4 water towers. They also sample water daily to ensure water quality monitor usage and assist customers.

"In Cedar Falls we benefit from having wells over having to treat water from the river because the water is already naturally safe to drink. It helps with keeping rates low and the quality is better. We only add in chlorine and fluoride" says Zach.

Zach has been in the water industry for more than 16 years and joined the CFU team in 2018. 

"I’m proud to work for CFU because as a non-profit we have the benefit of having time to help customers instead of worrying about profit" says Zach. 

"If we get someone who calls in with low water pressure we are able take the extra time to really work with the customer and see if we can resolve the issue."

This clear focus on providing exceptional service is a key reason Zach enjoys his role.

"One of my favorite parts about CFU is how engrained our mission of providing high quality service is into the work we do. As a Water Operator that means providing high-quality drinking water at the best value we can" says Zach.
