Plant a Tree This Fall

Fall is the recommended time to plant a new tree as cooler temperatures and rain allow a tree to establish roots before the extreme heat of the summer. CFU customers looking to plant a tree this fall can save $100 off your purchase with our Plant a Tree program.

Beyond environmental and health benefits, planting a tree can help you save energy and reduce your utility bill. 

Trees that have beautiful fall canopies can reduce cooling expenses in the summer and allow sunlight to warm your home in the winter. There are many species of trees that provide a beautiful color change in the fall, such as the honey locust, Ohio buckeye, ginkgo and white oak.

Conifers like the Norway spruce and Colorado blue spruce are excellent for blocking the wind and snow during the winter to keep your heating costs lower.

When you purchase a tree from a participating nursery, you will receive a 40% discount up to $100 per year per family. CFU contributes towards the cost of the tree, passing the savings along to you at the point of purchase.

No rebate forms or paperwork are required. You will just need to ask the participating nursery for the CFU Plant a Tree discount. You must receive electric service from CFU to be eligible.

To qualify for reimbursement, the planting site, soil and moisture conditions must be suitable for the species of the tree selected. Customers can choose any tree from one of 40 eligible species specifically suited for Cedar Falls. 

Please call 811 to have your underground utilities marked before you plant your trees. 

For more information visit
