Energy Saving Tips for Your Home this Summer

There are steps you can take to reduce energy usage and save money during hot summer weather.

CFU offers cost-sharing rebates to help customers install energy-efficient equipment and make insulation and other thermal envelope improvements.

Insulation is just as important in the summer as it is in the winter. Attic insulation is especially important to help trap heat in your attic instead of spreading throughout your home.

Changes in your behavior can also make a difference.

Use a programmable thermostat to turn the temperature up when you are away from home or asleep. CFU offers a 100% cost-sharing rebate, up to $100, for smart WiFi enabled thermostats that can do this automatically.

Close blinds and drapes during the day to block out the sun and reduce heat gain. For natural light, open window coverings that do not get direct sunlight.

Similarly, use heat-generating appliances, like ovens, dishwashers and clothes dryers early in the morning or late in the evening when temperatures outside are cooler.

It is also a good idea in any season to unplug unused electrical devices. Some TVs, computers and other appliances may be quietly draining energy all day even when they are turned off or are in standby power. According to the Department of Energy, this could account for 5 to 10 percent of home energy use and could cost as much as $100 per year.

For more information about energy-saving rebate programs or other tips, visit or contact Energy Services at 319-266-1761.

The average lifespan of a heating and cooling system is 15 to 20 years. If your system is aging, CFU recommends creating a plan to replace your furnace or air conditioner with more efficient equipment. We have cost-share rebates to help with the purchase. 

Visit to learn more.
