CFU Customers Benefit from Abundant Iowa Wind Energy

Sixty percent of the energy produced in the regional power market and distributed in Cedar Falls in 2023 was generated from renewable resources. Iowa is second in the country for most wind plus solar generation per square mile of land, surpassing 
even Texas and California. 

This means of the energy you use to power your home, 60% is produced from renewable resources.

CFU has added infrastructure locally and supported joint owned transmission projects so the renewable energy generated 
across the state benefits CFU customers even though all of the solar panels and wind turbines aren't located in our community.

Most of the electricity used in Cedar Falls is purchased through a regional energy market. The energy generated by nearly all of the wind turbines, solar panels and fossil fuel plants in Iowa flows into the power market pool daily.  

This includes our local Streeter Station power plant, natural gas turbines, solar array and our share of large power plants in western Iowa.

Utilities, like CFU, also purchase energy out of the pool to meet their communities' daily electric needs. Today that energy is 
largely renewable. 

CFU is supportive of the wind and solar energy available in Iowa today and welcomes future additions.

As the energy market shifts to renewable technology, it remains important to provide reliable, affordable energy even when 
the sun isn't shining or the wind isn't blowing.

We are doing our part by preserving traditional generation and investigating in new technology that can allow CFU customers to continue to utilize low-cost renewables when they are abundant and provide the efficient backup energy we need to power our lives.
