CFU Email Customers: Now is the Time to Transition to a New Email Provider
If you are a CFU webmail user, now is the time to transition to a new email platform. Cedar Falls Utilities will require all users to migrate to a different email service.
When CFU launched internet service 25 years ago, we provided webmail addresses for customers as a courtesy.
Since then, free, portable and secure online email platforms have become standard. Numerous free email services such as Gmail are available to all internet users.
CFU contracts with a vendor to provide the CFU webmail platform and host the service. Because free, portable and secure online platforms have entered the market, there is no longer a robust email platform available for CFU to purchase to provide to customers.
There are security, reliability and data backup concerns with the current email platform and no alternatives that meet CFU standards. There is an increasing risk that a server failure on the current platform could wipe out historical customer emails with no recovery option.
Because of quality concerns, CFU is planning to eliminate email in 2025. The end date will be communicated when it is set. At that time, customers will lose all access to CFU email accounts and all stored messages. We want to give customers sufficient time to select and migrate to a new email service.
Eliminate the security and data loss risks by making the switch to a new email address now. The free email platform we recommend is Gmail.
CFU wants to help you make the switch to a new email platform. Online tutorials and step-by-step instructions are available
at Our internet Help Desk can also assist. Please call 319-268-5221.
Why Switch from CFU Email?
Alternative email platforms like Gmail have several advantages over CFU webmail:
Alternative email services (such as Gmail) move with you. A CFU email account is only active when you have residential CFU internet service.
Most people prefer an email service that can transfer with them if they move away from Cedar Falls or no longer purchase CFU internet service.
High Quality
Most internet providers like CFU have discontinued offering email. A robust, reliable email platform is no longer available for CFU to purchase and provide to customers. We recommend customers choose a different email platform that meets our quality standards.
Email platforms like Gmail offer two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of security used to make sure that people trying to gain access to an online account are who they say they are.
These systems help keep out hackers and prevent access to your personal information and devices. We are unable to provide high-quality two-factor authentication for email addresses.
Alternative email platforms also offer superior SPAM filters that are better at blocking potential email threats and do not block messages you need.