CFU General Manager Retires After 28 Years of Service

Steve Bernard will say farewell in June after 6 years as the General Manager and 28 years at CFU.

During Steve's time at CFU, he has overseen many service upgrades and improvements and navigated the utility through many challenges.

During his tenure, the Electric Utility added a substation and related transmission lines on Union Road to maintain reliability and support growth. Communications launched 10 gig internet service and was named the fastest internet service provider in the country. Gas and Water crews continued to expand service to support a growing community.

Steve also led the organization through the COVID pandemic, volatile gas market prices and shifts in the electric industry as both renewable energy and electric demand grew.

“I have been extremely fortunate to work with so many skilled and caring people at CFU, and to live in this wonderful community," says Steve.

"Our citizens provide tremendous support for CFU, and we continue to hire great people to carry on the tradition of excellent, personal service that CFU is known for. It has been a privilege to be part of the team here at CFU."

CFU Board of Trustees Chair, Richard McAlister, recognizes Steve's contribution to CFU and the Cedar Falls community.

"Steve has provided extraordinary leadership during his time at CFU and has seamlessly guided the utility through both challenges and opportunities with benevolence," says Richard. 

"The results of his excellent leadership are evident in the high level of customer satisfaction and terrific value realized by the community. We wish him well in retirement and extend our gratitude as representatives of the Cedar Falls community for a job well done."

Susan Abernathy, who has served as General Counsel and the Director of Employee and Legal Services, will assume the General Manager role upon Steve's departure.

“I am excited for CFU and for Susan. She is an outstanding leader – very intelligent, idea-oriented and a great decision-maker. Susan knows our employees and has played a huge role in ensuring that we maintain excellence in our staff and in our delivery of services. Susan will be a fantastic General Manager," says Steve.
